A lot of homes and commercial buildings have flat roofs. Unlike typical residential roofs, apartment roofs are horizontal and accept very little slope. For that reason, apartment roof materials are totally dissimilar. The most mutual types of materials include EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer), TPO (Thermoplastic Olefin), Polyvinyl Chloride, and modified bitumen .

If you have a flat roof, ane thing you need to know is that this roofing type is prone to leaks. The biggest threat is water. Whatsoever hole or broken barrier on your flat roof is a potential entry signal. Impairment is caused by multiple factors including the age of your roof, poor drainage, and flashing and membrane problems.

Brantford Flat roof repair

Unless your roof can notwithstanding be salvaged, y'all need to have it replaced by a professional person roofer in your location. In this article, nosotros will exist looking at the means y'all can perform a practise-it-yourself apartment roof repair. If you're dealing with a leaky roof, this guide is for you lot. Let'south get started, shall we?

Tip #ane: Clean your roof first

Before performing whatever kind of repair, the outset and most important thing you should do is to cheque whether your gutter has debris that prevents water from draining properly. By nature, flat roofs exercise not drain every bit effectively as pitched roofs and for that reason, it'southward important to brand certain that drainage is adequate.

If there is puddled h2o, dry it with rags or towels. The leave it to dry out completely. Too, make sure to remove any debris so you'll be able to easily spot the sources of leaks. Mark off the leaky areas with chalk so that you can come dorsum and fix them.

Tip #2: Repair your roof seams

If you don't pay close attention to your EPDM covering seams, they tin weaken over time and cause leaks. H2o and dirt tend to build upwardly. After cleaning your seams, separate a leaking seam about 12 inches from the leak then showtime applying your agglutinative.

Employ a soft brush (paint brush) to spread the adhesive to the upper and lower parts of the seams, including the corners. Afterwards applying the adhesive, make certain to press the seams together. In that location should be no air bubbles present. Avoid repairing your seams during windy days since this will prevent the seams from adhering together.

Tip #iii: Patch flat roof blisters

Baking is mutual amid flat roof materials. In roof blisters, air or wet tends to accumulate beneath your flat roof'southward membrane. Exposure to heat from the sunday causes these trapped bubbles to aggrandize and suspension over time. Remember that blisters crusade problems regardless of whether they break or non.

To prevent blisters from growing bigger, slice them open up in the heart using a utility knife. It should get all the way through the blister. If in that location is water inside the blister, clasp out water towards the center and allow it dry. To seal off the opened blister permanently, patch it up with a thick coating of roofing cement.

Tip #iv: Recoat your flat roof

After cleaning your roof and repairing blisters, you can now recoat your roof. Recoating is a skilful option since information technology provides a waterproof bulwark to your roof, keeps your interior libation (since information technology reflects heat from the sun), and reduces your heating and cooling costs.

If you prefer installing rolled roofing on a flat roof, you can simply add a new i over an existing rolled covering. Make sure that the rolled roofing stays flat all throughout. Trim the rolls prior to fastening or applying an agglutinative to brand the installation procedure easier.

How You Tin can Foreclose Apartment Roof Leaks

Finding out that your roof is actively leaking is terrible news. It'southward always improve to be proactive in roof inspections and maintenance care to prevent extensive pooling of h2o, punctures, and bigger consequences. Hither are some simple preventive tips:

  • Contact your Brantford covering contractors –

    If you lot live in Brantford, getting a regular roofing inspection from professional person roofers is ever the all-time class of action. Professionals are skilled and experienced in uncovering hidden problems that often go unnoticed.

  • Ever proceed your apartment roof clean –Apartment roofs tend to collect different kinds of debris. Make sure to remove this debris such as fallen leaves or branches. This will assist avoid punctures. Meliorate notwithstanding, keep your trees well-manicured. Remove overhanging tree branches.
  • Keep your gutters or drains clean – As we've previously mentioned, a disadvantage that's common to flat roofs is their disability to completely drain off. To facilitate proper drainage, remove constitute growth, clay, and other debris that accumulate around the openings of your drains.
  • Perform a quick inspection – Unless yous actually lack the time to practise quick checks on your apartment roof, you should be able to identify signs of flat roofing problems such equally blistering, ponding water, cracks, leaks, and more than.

According to HomeAdvisor.com, the average flat roof replacement toll ranges from $250 – $350 per square. Though it costs less than a sloped roof, it's still important to be responsible in conducting timely inspections and repairs.


You can deal with roofing problems every bit best as you can past performing DIY apartment roof repairs. Notwithstanding, regardless of how y'all care for your roof, in that location will come a time when it will no longer be functional. If your roof has reached 20 years, information technology's time to call your Brantford covering contractors to take over.

Need aid with roofing repairs, inspections, and replacements? Schedule a costless estimate today.